Assisted Living care at Sunnyside Manor adds zest to your daily routine.
Life Enrichment
Life in the Manor is a continuation of celebrating the purpose and joy of life. You will discover a Sunnyside difference – Manor residents collaborate with their Life Enrichment Director to customize their daily wellness activities that are enjoyable, educational, purposeful, and beneficial to their health.

Friendships can enrich your health and well-being. Daily opportunities to dine together and enjoy activities foster friendships.
Social enrichment opportunities include morning coffee and fellowship, recreational games, artistic workshops, cooking and baking with Ruby, Manor ice-cream parlor, scenic bus drives, local outings to parks, attractions, shopping, and dining excursions.
Mind enrichment activities improve attention and enhance memory. Manor residents enjoy brain games of trivia and jeopardy, educational speakers, book clubs, and discussion groups.
Physical enrichment improves or maintains balance and mobility. Group physical wellness opportunities include custom exercises with a Sunnyside therapist instructor, chair stretches, body movement exercises with music, walking club, and recreational games that include Manor favorites of beachball sports.

Balanced Nutrition impacts organ function, brain function, bone and muscle health, strengthen the immune system and supports the management of chronic illnesses. Our Sunnyside Executive Chef and dietary staff understand the importance of a healthy diet and prepare delicious, in-house, chef-prepared meals. Meals are tailored to the individual’s special dietary needs. Another Sunnyside difference – the Manor resident food committee is open to all residents to meet quarterly with our Chef to discuss menu and food preferences.
Christian spiritual enrichment inspires residents to develop a closer relationship with God. Opportunities include Manor Bible studies and hymns, attending Chapel services, Catholic Mass, Christian Life classes, and Prayer Circle. Our Sunnyside Chaplain team also provides in-home visitations and pastoral care.

Community involvement and volunteer opportunities bring purpose and meaning to your life and the lives of others. Residents enjoy helping in the library, creating trivia, facilitating games, and assisting in activities. A Manor favorite is creating the flower arrangements for the Health & Rehabilitation Center dining room tables and making holiday cards to bring joy to Health Center residents and staff. Manor residents also have a community voice as members of the Sunnyside Manor Resident’s Association. The Manor Residents’ council officers meet quarterly with key members of Sunnyside management to exchange information and address concerns.
“I am so blessed! My needs are beautifully met, and I am wonderfully cared for.”
– Jeanne S.