Health & Rehabilitation

Is Sunnyside Health & Rehabilitation Center Medicare and Medicaid certified?

Sunnyside Health & Rehabilitation Center is a Medicare and Medicaid certified provider and is a Five-Star Quality Rated facility from the Center of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The Health & Rehabilitation Center also accepts other medical insurances as well as private pay. Contact us to verify your plan benefits.

Do you need to be a current Sunnyside resident for admission to the Health & Rehabilitation Center or to use outpatient rehabilitation services?

Sunnyside Health & Rehabilitation Center’s outpatient rehabilitation and admissions are open to the public. Our Sunnyside residents do receive priority consideration for all care levels. Due to our Health Center’s size, we often have room openings for both long-term care and inpatient rehabilitation care. Contact us directly or ask your Hospital Discharge Planner to check on room availabilities.

May I bring personal items to my Health & Rehabilitation Center care room?

We encourage you to bring small décor items that personalize your space to give you the essence of home. Small pieces of furniture that easily fit in your space that do not pose a safety hazard are also permissible.

Will I be able to choose my meals?

Our Sunnyside chef and dietician understand the importance of a healthy, balanced diet for seniors and prepare delicious in-house meals. A dietary team member will interview you or your family to learn what foods you prefer and your accustomed meal patterns. Your menu will be selected based on your food preferences and special dietary needs. We strive to make your dining experience pleasant and fulfilling.

How do I stay informed of my health conditions?

Your questions and input concerning care are always welcome. Whether you are in short-term rehabilitation or long-term care, our interdisciplinary team continually evaluates your medical and social situation. You and your chosen representatives will have regularly scheduled personal care plan meetings to discuss your current status.